Subject skills: Mathematics, Embedded Software Development, Linux Device Drivers, Linux Kernel Porting, Embedded Linux
Soft Skills: Good "Presentation & Communication". In-depth Analyzer. Quick learner provided any new topic
Electronics angle: Knack for Understanding Hardware and Integrating with Software, Expert Schematics Analyzer, Datasheet Decoder
OSes experience: Linux (Ubuntu), Windows
Embedded OSes experience: Linux, winCE, AGL
Real Time OSes experience: Free-RTOS, uClinux
Protocols experience:TCP/IP stacks (uIPv6, lwIP), ZigBee, Modbus, RTSP, SPI, I2C, RS232, RS485, 802.15.4, 802.11
Languages: C and Assembly on Embedded Devices, C++, Python, Shell script, Matlab
S/W Tools: Yocto, LTIB, Make, Buildroot, Gdb, Valgrind, Version Control Tools (namely GIT, SVN), Compilers (ARM, AVR, IAR), MPLAB, CCS, MATLAB, P-Spice, Eclipse, BPA-DAS, RTRT, Polyspace, Wire shark, QAC
H/W worked with: Microcontrollers (Atmel AVR, Microchip PIC, 8051, 8085), Oscilloscope (Digital and CRT), Function Generator, Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer, JTAG-ICE, SWD
CPU Architectures: TI MSP430, ARM CortexM3, ARM Cortex A7, ARM Cortex A9 (IMX6, TI, Xilink, STM32)
Peripherals worked with:ADC, DAC, DMA, SDIO, Timers, Flash, Parallel Port