Kernel Window: Peeping through /proc

This sixteenth article, which is part of the series on Linux device drivers, demonstrates the creation and usage of files under the /proc virtual file-system.

<< Fifteenth Article

Useful kernel windows

After many months, Shweta and Pugs got together for a peaceful technical romancing. All through, we have been using all kinds of kernel windows especially through the /proc virtual file-system (using cat), to help us out in decoding the various nitty-gritties of Linux device drivers. Here’s a non-exhaustive summary listing:

  • /proc/modules – Listing of all the dynamically loaded modules
  • /proc/devices – Listing of all the registered character and block major numbers
  • /proc/iomem – Listing of on-system physical RAM & bus device addresses
  • /proc/ioports – Listing of on-system I/O port addresses (specially for x86 systems)
  • /proc/interrupts – Listing of all the registered interrupt request numbers
  • /proc/softirqs – Listing of all the registered soft irqs
  • /proc/kallsyms – Listing of all the running kernel symbols, including from loaded modules
  • /proc/partitions – Listing of currently connected block devices & their partitions
  • /proc/filesystems – Listing of currently active file-system drivers
  • /proc/swaps – Listing of currently active swaps
  • /proc/cpuinfo – Information about the CPU(s) on the system
  • /proc/meminfo – Information about the memory on the system, viz. RAM, swap, …

Custom kernel windows

“Yes, these have been really helpful in understanding and debugging the Linux device drivers. But is it possible for us to also provide some help? Yes, I mean can we create one such kernel window through /proc?”, questioned Shweta.

“Why one? As many as you want. And that’s simple – just use the right set of APIs and there you go.”

“For you every thing is simple.”

“No yaar, this is seriously simple”, smiled Pugs. “Just watch out, me creating one for you.”

And in jiffies, Pugs created the proc_window.c file below (including the changes, which has taken place in kernel v3.10 and v4.3):

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/seq_file.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/uaccess.h>

#define STR_PRINTF_RET(len, str, args...) len += sprintf(page + len, str, ## args)
#define STR_PRINTF_RET(len, str, args...) len += seq_printf(m, str, ## args)
#define STR_PRINTF_RET(len, str, args...) seq_printf(m, str, ## args)

static struct proc_dir_entry *parent, *file, *link;
static int state = 0;

static int time_read(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof,
	void *data)
static int time_read(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
	int len = 0, val;
	unsigned long act_jiffies;

	STR_PRINTF_RET(len, "state = %d\n", state);
	act_jiffies = jiffies - INITIAL_JIFFIES;
	val = jiffies_to_msecs(act_jiffies);
	switch (state)
		case 0:
			STR_PRINTF_RET(len, "time = %ld jiffies\n", act_jiffies);
		case 1:
			STR_PRINTF_RET(len, "time = %d msecs\n", val);
		case 2:
			STR_PRINTF_RET(len, "time = %ds %dms\n",
					val / 1000, val % 1000);
		case 3:
			val /= 1000;
			STR_PRINTF_RET(len, "time = %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
					val / 3600, (val / 60) % 60, val % 60);
			STR_PRINTF_RET(len, "\n");

	return len;
static int time_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer,
	unsigned long count, void *data)
static ssize_t time_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer,
	size_t count, loff_t *off)
	char kbuf[2];

	if (count > 2)
		return count;
	if (copy_from_user(kbuf, buffer, count))
		return -EFAULT;
	if ((count == 2) && (kbuf[1] != '\n'))
		return count;
	if ((kbuf[0] < '0') || ('9' < kbuf[0]))
		return count;
	state = kbuf[0] - '0';
	return count;
static int time_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
	return single_open(file, time_read, NULL);

static struct file_operations fops =
	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
	.open = time_open,
	.read = seq_read,
	.write = time_write

static int __init proc_win_init(void)
	if ((parent = proc_mkdir("anil", NULL)) == NULL)
		return -1;
	if ((file = create_proc_entry("rel_time", 0666, parent)) == NULL)
	if ((file = proc_create("rel_time", 0666, parent, &fops)) == NULL)
		remove_proc_entry("anil", NULL);
		return -1;
	file->read_proc = time_read;
	file->write_proc = time_write;
	if ((link = proc_symlink("rel_time_l", parent, "rel_time")) == NULL)
		remove_proc_entry("rel_time", parent);
		remove_proc_entry("anil", NULL);
		return -1;
	link->uid = 0;
	link->gid = 100;
	proc_set_user(link, KUIDT_INIT(0), KGIDT_INIT(100));
	return 0;

static void __exit proc_win_exit(void)
	remove_proc_entry("rel_time_l", parent);
	remove_proc_entry("rel_time", parent);
	remove_proc_entry("anil", NULL);


MODULE_AUTHOR("Anil Kumar Pugalia <>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Kernel window /proc Demonstration Driver");

And then Pugs did the following steps:

  • Built the driver (proc_window.ko file) using the usual driver’s Makefile.
  • Loaded the driver using insmod.
  • Showed various experiments using the newly created proc windows. (Refer to Figure 28.)
  • And finally, unloaded the driver using rmmod.
Figure 28: Peeping through /proc

Figure 28: Peeping through /proc

Demystifying the details

Starting from the constructor proc_win_init(), three proc entries are created:

  • Directory anil under /proc (i.e. NULL parent) with default permissions 0755, using proc_mkdir()
  • Regular file rel_time under the above directory anil with permissions 0666, using create_proc_entry() or proc_create() (since kernel v3.10)
  • Soft link rel_time_l to the above file rel_time under the same directory anil, using proc_symlink()

The corresponding removal of these three is achieved using remove_proc_entry() in the destructor proc_win_exit(), in chronological reverse order.

For every entry created under /proc, a corresponding struct proc_dir_entry is created. After which many of its fields could be further updated as needed:

  • mode – Permissions of the file
  • uid – User ID of the file
  • gid – Group ID of the file

Since kernel v3.10, specific API proc_set_user() has been provided to update the uid & gid, instead of directly modifying the fields.

Additionally, for a regular file, the following two function pointers for read and write over the file could be provided, respectively:

  • int (*read_proc)(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count, int *eof, void *data)
  • int (*write_proc)(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer, unsigned long count, void *data)

Again, since kernel v3.10, the read & write fields of struct file_operations are to be used respectively, instead of the above two.

write_proc() is very similar to the character device file operation write. And the above code implementation, lets the user to write a digit from 0 to 9, and accordingly sets the internal state.

read_proc() in the above code implementation provides the current state and the time since the system has been booted up in different units based on the current state. These are, jiffies in state 0; milliseconds in state 1; seconds & milliseconds in state 2; hours : minutes : seconds in state 3; and <not implemented> in other states. And to check the computation accuracy, Figure 29 highlights the system up time in the output of top. read_proc()‘s page parameter is a page-sized buffer, typically to be filled up with count bytes from offset off. But more often than not (because of small content), just page is filled up, ignoring all other parameters. Since kernel v3.10, the read logic has to be implemented through something called a sequence file, which is implemented by specifying the pre-defined seq_read() function for the file operation read, and then by providing the above logic in the sequence file’s read function through the file operation open using single_open().

Figure 29: Comparison with top's output

Figure 29: Comparison with top’s output

All the /proc related structure definitions and function declarations are available through <linux/proc_fs.h>. The sequence file related stuff (since kernel v3.10) are available through <linux/seq_file.h>. And the jiffies related function declarations and macro definitions are in <linux/jiffies.h>. On a special note, the actual jiffies are being calculated by subtracting INITIAL_JIFFIES, as on boot-up, jiffies is initialized to INITIAL_JIFFIES instead of zero.

Summing up

“Hey Pugs!!! Why did you create the folder named as anil? Who is this Anil? You could have used my name or may be yours.” suggested Shweta. “Ha!! That’s a surprise. My real name is Anil only. It is just that everyone in college knows me only as Pugs”, smiled Pugs. Watch out for further technical romancing of Pugs aka Anil.

Seventeenth Article >>


  1. One of the powerful usage of creating our own proc window is for customized debugging by querying. A simple but cool modification of the above driver, could be instead of getting the jiffies, it could read / write hardware registers.
Anil Kumar Pugalia (123 Posts)

The author is a hobbyist in open source hardware and software, with a passion for mathematics, and philosopher in thoughts. A gold medallist from the Indian Institute of Science, Linux, mathematics and knowledge sharing are few of his passions. He experiments with Linux and embedded systems to share his learnings through his weekend workshops. Learn more about him and his experiments at

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7 thoughts on “Kernel Window: Peeping through /proc

  1. Pingback: Disk on RAM: Playing destructively | Playing with Systems

  2. Pingback: Module Interactions | Playing with Systems

  3. Pramod Krishna

    Hi Sir,

    Modified the above code to the kernel version 3.13.0-35-generic.

    In the below code Unable to set the user gid and pid value(Commented the

    that part of code). Please review code and help me with any pointers to set

    gid and pid values.
    ——————————————-START —————————————————-






    static struct proc_dir_entry *parent, *file,*link;

    static int state = 0;

    ssize_t time_read(struct file *file,char *buf,size_t count,loff_t *off)


    int len, val;

    unsigned long act_jiffies;

    if(*off == 0)


    len = sprintf(buf, “state = %dn”, state);

    act_jiffies = jiffies – INITIAL_JIFFIES;

    val = jiffies_to_msecs(act_jiffies);

    switch (state)


    case 0:

    len += sprintf(buf + len, “time = %ld jiffiesn”,



    case 1:

    len += sprintf(buf + len, “time = %d msecsn”, val);


    case 2:

    len += sprintf(buf + len, “time = %ds %dmsn”,

    val / 1000, val % 1000);


    case 3:

    val /= 1000;

    len += sprintf(buf + len, “time = %02d:%02d:%02dn”,

    val / 3600, (val / 60) % 60, val % 60);



    len += sprintf(buf + len, “n”);



    len += sprintf(buf + len, “{offset = %lu; count = %d;}n”, *off, (int)count);

    *off = *off+len;

    printk(KERN_INFO “offset value is %u “,*off);

    return len;




    return 0;



    ssize_t time_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer, ssize_t count, loff_t *off)


    if (count > 2)

    return count;

    if ((count == 2) && (buffer[1] != ‘n’))

    return count;

    if ((buffer[0] < '0') || ('9' uid.val = 0;

    get_current_user()->gid.val = 100;

    proc_set_user(parent,get_current_user()->uid.val,get_current_user()->gid.val); */

    printk(KERN_INFO “Module Inserted”);

    return 0;


    static void __exit proc_win_exit(void)


    remove_proc_entry(“rel_time_l”, parent);

    remove_proc_entry(“rel_time”, parent);

    remove_proc_entry(“anil”, NULL);

    printk(KERN_INFO “Exiting the module “);





    MODULE_AUTHOR(“Anil Kumar Pugalia “);

    MODULE_DESCRIPTION(“Kernel window /proc Demonstration Driver”);


  4. Shantanu

    Thanks for the great series. I have a doubt that follows as :
    Each struct request instance req holds one start_sector and one sector_count and multiple bio vectors. Is it so that while writing data to some device, we write “sector_count” continuous sectors of data starting from “start_sector” to some streams of continuous sectors as given by page address, offset and sector counts with each bio_v inside this req? Isn’t the start_sector supposed to point at a sector on the device itself and not location on RAM? What about reading data? How is this struct request req instance formed? Could you shed some light on this? In the provided code, we seem to simply attach the driver to “rb” with the following line “rb_major = register_blkdev(rb_major, “rb”);”. What purpose will the major number serve in this case then? Also do we always need to know the name of the device file that will be created before writing a driver for it? How will a new disk find a driver if it has no idea what major number to look for? Sorry I am new to all this.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    1. Anil Kumar Pugalia Post author

      One request before I answer. I felt your query was more relevant to Block Drivers, and I was expecting you to post under

      start_sector *is* logical hard disk sector number.

      Major number is for kernel’s internal mapping – it is related to the category of device.

      We as a driver writer decide what device file name should be exposed.

      Disk’s don’t find drivers. Drivers find disks.


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